When the customer is asking for a hamburger , don’t put a hamster to make the burger. Even though what the customer wants (hamburger ) and what you have (hamster) share the part “ham” they are two different things.
- Analyze and understand requirements / ingredients for a hamburger
- Find out if you and your team has the ingredients
- In case of gaps look for partners who has the missing ingredients.
Time , Time and more Time
The process of creating a response to a government solicitation is very similar to the SDLC of a project.
- The way we need time to create a quality deliverable , we need time to deliver a quality solicitation response.
- Identify opportunities VERY VERY early on and start working on it (you may already follow Shipley type processes but may just not know that you are following it. Remember, there were great managers around before universities introduced MBAs).
- Don’t telescope everything in the last 20 days.
Don’t chase wild goose- it’s a recipe of frustration for everybody involved.
What do I have ?
Inventory what your programs are about and what you are doing there (type of work, business as well as technical domain) and SMEs who have expertise in specific areas.
- Involve the SME in the response creation.
- Generally working on responses is outside the regular call of duty for the SME as they are generally busy with their day jobs. So provide on the spot incentives as per your abilities.
- Establish contacts with companies that have capabilities that you don’t irrespective of whether you have a need for their capabilities at present.
- Avoid running helter-skelter to find a partner in the 20 days prior to submission deadline.
Work out a judicious mix of “Target Shooting” and “Game of Hoopla” (I know Game of Hoopla is unavoidable. However limiting DB efforts spent on Game of Hoopla results in more quality in elsewhere).
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